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Iran Exports to Kazakhstan: Commercial Relations between Iran and Kazakhstan

Trade relations between Iran and Kazakhstan have been prosperous since ancient times, thanks to their cultural similarities and geographical proximity. In recent years, Iran has rapidly expanded commercial ties with Kazakhstan, exporting oil, gas, polymer, and petrochemical products. Given their favorable geographic location, the two countries can cooperate in various fields to benefit both nations’ economies.

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Iran Exports to Kazakhstan

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Fueling Progress: Iran’s Strategic Exports to Kazakhstan

Oil and gas exports are among the products that Iran exports to Kazakhstan. Also, the export of agricultural products, machinery and industrial equipment are also such products that Iran exports to Kazakhstan.

On the other hand, Kazakhstan also exports products such as iron, steel, copper, coal, etc. to Iran. Due to high wheat and barley production in Kazakhstan, Iran can use these products to meet domestic needs.

Iran's Strategic Exports to Kazakhstan

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Plastic Industry Synergy

Considering Iran’s plastic industry development, purchasing machinery and raw materials from Kazakhstan could benefit their cooperation. Given the high potential for collaboration, Iran and Kazakhstan’s commercial and industrial relations present a great opportunity.

Friendship in Trade

In 2019, Iran’s exports to Kazakhstan reached $4.1 billion, a 31% increase from 2018, mainly comprising oil and gas.

Among the products Iran exports to Kazakhstan are oil and gas. In 2019, Iran exported about 2.1 billion dollars’ worth of oil and gas to Kazakhstan. Also, the export of agricultural products, machinery and industrial equipment are among the products that Iran exports to Kazakhstan.

On the other hand, Kazakhstan also exports products such as iron, steel, copper, coal, etc. to Iran. In 2019, Kazakhstan’s exports to Iran reached 1.2 billion dollars. Due to high wheat and barley production, Iran can use these products to meet domestic needs.

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Friendship in Trade

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Decade of Growth

Considering the significant trade growth between Iran and Kazakhstan, examining the average exports in the last 10 years is possible. According to published statistics, in 2013, Iran’s export to Kazakhstan was about 1.2 billion dollars. This amount has grown continuously in the following years and reached 4.1 billion dollars in 2019.

Based on these statistics, it’s clear that trade between Iran and Kazakhstan has sharply increased in recent years. With strong potential for cooperation, we anticipate continued growth in trade and industry between Iran and Kazakhstan.

Therefore, commercial and industrial relations growth between Iran and Kazakhstan presents a great opportunity for both nations. This cooperation can cause economic development and increase the welfare of people in both countries.

Main exports between Iran and Kazakhstan include petroleum products, steel, petrochemicals, industrial equipment, machinery, food, and animal husbandry. Also, the export of cars and car parts is another export item between the two countries. At the same time, Kazakhstan is also known as one of the important countries that export bitumen and grains to Iran.

Introducing the country of Kazakhstan  Introducing the country of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan, in Central Asia, borders Russia (north), China (east), Kyrgyzstan (southeast), Uzbekistan (south), and Turkmenistan (southwest). The northeastern shores of the Caspian Sea are also located in this country.

Kazakhstan’s vast desert land results in one of the world’s lowest population densities despite its area equaling Western Europe. This country strategically connects China, South Asia, Russia, and Western Europe via roads, railways, and Caspian Sea ports.

Kazakhstan Economy

International trade significantly contributes to countries’ development and economic growth by expanding business and investment opportunities. Developing countries can enhance competitiveness and increase product value by joining the global value chain, attracting foreign investment, and creating jobs.

In Iran, the importance of developing non-oil exports makes the need to access foreign markets even more obvious. The country’s geographical location creates a sizable consumption market in Iran’s neighboring countries. To develop exports, understanding their import needs is crucial.

Kazakhstan’s Position in International Trade

Kazakhstan, in Central Asia, borders Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and China, sharing a border with Iran via the Caspian Sea. In November 2015, Kazakhstan joined the World Trade Organization and represents approximately 0.16% of global merchandise imports with 18 million people.

In under two decades, Kazakhstan transitioned from lower to upper-middle-income status, as reported by the World Bank. In 2016, this country was transferred to the group of countries with higher than average per capita income.

Hence, a promising market for non-oil goods lies near Iran’s maritime borders, representing just 0.18% of this country’s market in 2016.

This highlights the need for a thorough study of Kazakhstan’s import requirements and identifying Iran’s export potential to the country.

Kazakhstan’s Diverse Economy and Trade Profile

Kazakhstan is one of the largest economies in Central Asia in terms of GDP. This country has significant oil, gas, metal and uranium reserves and is also one of the largest grain exporters in the world. From 2002 to 2017, Kazakhstan’s GDP per capita has increased 6 times and the level of poverty in this country has decreased drastically.

According to the statistics of the World Trade Organization, in 2015, a high share of Kazakhstan’s exports (75%) was allocated to fuel and mineral products.

After that, industrial products account for 11 percent and agricultural products account for 5 percent of Kazakhstan’s exports. On the other hand, the largest share of the country’s imports in 2015 was allocated to industrial products (86 percent). Agricultural products have a share of 11% and mineral products have a share of 4% of the country’s imports.

Commodity Trade Trends in Kazakhstan

In 2016, Kazakhstan imported $2.25 billion and exported $36.8 billion, resulting in a trade balance of $11.6 billion.

Kazakhstan, like other oil-rich nations, heavily relies on oil and minerals. In 2016, 61% of its exports comprised oil and minerals.

The drop in oil prices, China’s economic slowdown, and Russia’s recession have significantly impacted these countries’ export earnings. Consequently, there has been a substantial shock to their export earnings. Kazakhstan’s export in 2014 was equal to 79.5 billion dollars, which decreased to 36.8 billion dollars in 2016.

Petroleum and mineral products, while not the largest share, were major commodities imported by Kazakhstan. The drop in oil prices and some basic goods, in addition to exports, also affected Kazakhstan’s imports. Kazakhstan’s imports were about $41.3 billion in 2014 and reached $25.2 billion in 2016.

Commodity Trade Trends in Kazakhstan

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Business Partners of Kazakhstan

In 2016, Italy accounted for the largest share of Kazakhstan’s export value at 21%, based on International Trade Center statistics. Following Italy, major export destinations for Kazakhstan included China, Russia, and the Netherlands.

Also, the largest share of Kazakhstan’s import needs in 2016 was supplied from Russia. The share of Russia in the total import value of Kazakhstan in 2016 was equal to 36%. After that, China, Germany and the United States are the next major import sources of Kazakhstan in 2016.

In 2016, Iran’s share of Kazakhstan’s imports was very small and about 0.18%.

The highest trade value of Kazakhstan in 2016 was related to oil products, with a trade value of 23.2 billion dollars. The top export destinations for Kazakhstan’s commodities in 2022 included Italy, Russia, the Netherlands, and Turkey. After that, all kinds of reactors and industrial machines and cast iron, iron and steel have had the highest trade value.

According to statistics, a high share of the value of Kazakhstan’s exports has been allocated to petroleum products. In 2016, roughly 61% of this country’s export value was from petroleum products, while other goods had a lower share. Following petroleum products, cast iron, iron and steel groups accounted for 7.5% of the country’s export value in 2016. Mineral chemical products held a 6.6% share.

In 2016, Kazakhstan’s import value was dominated by reactors and industrial machines, accounting for 27.1% of the total import value. The next largest shares were held by cast iron, iron or steel products (7.8%) and petroleum products (5%).

Trade relations of Kazakhstan with Iran

Iran’s trade with Kazakhstan, from 1385 to 1395, indicates a trade balance favoring Kazakhstan in most years. However, in 2013 and 2014, Iran briefly achieved a marginally positive balance with Kazakhstan. Notably, post-2008, Iran witnessed a decline in imports from Kazakhstan, contributing to a reduction in the negative trade balance between the two countries.

In 2015, Iran exported goods worth $173.3 million to Kazakhstan, while importing nearly $210.8 million worth of goods from there. The trade balance between Iran and this country in 2015 was equal to 37.5 million dollars in favor of Kazakhstan.

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Trade relations of Kazakhstan with Iran

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Iran’s Polymer Exports to Kazakhstan: A Key Aspect of Economic Relations

Polymer and petrochemical exports from Iran to Kazakhstan significantly contribute to the economic ties between the two nations. Iran is among the world’s top petrochemical producers. Kazakhstan is a major importer due to its growing industrial sector.

Iran’s Petrochemical Industry: A Global Player in Polymer Exports

Iran’s petrochemical industry has seen substantial growth, establishing the country as a major global player in polymer products. Iran has abundant reserves of natural gas and crude oil, which serve as the primary feedstock for its petrochemical industry. The nation heavily invested in petrochemical infrastructure and technology, leading to diverse, high-quality product offerings.

On the other hand, Kazakhstan’s rapid industrialization and economic growth have led to increased demand for raw materials. These materials include polymers and petrochemical products. The country’s industrial sector, specializing in construction, automotive, and packaging, heavily relies on imported petrochemical products.

The trade relationship between Iran and Kazakhstan has been mutually beneficial. Iran supplies Kazakhstan with polymer and petrochemical products. Some of the key products exported from Iran to Kazakhstan include Polyethylene, Polypropylene, PVC, and various other types of polymers. These products are used in a wide range of applications, including packaging, construction materials, automotive components, and consumer goods.

Both countries have facilitated the export of polymer and petrochemical products from Iran to Kazakhstan through trade agreements and partnerships. Iran and Kazakhstan are EAEU members, facilitating trade and economic cooperation among participating nations. Also, they have signed bilateral agreements to promote trade and investment in sectors, including the petrochemical industry.

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Iran’s Polymer Exports to Kazakhstan

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Challenges and Opportunities: Iran’s Polymer Exports to Kazakhstan

In recent years, the export of polymer and petrochemical products from Iran to Kazakhstan has faced some challenges due to geopolitical tensions and international sanctions imposed on Iran. These sanctions have restricted Iran’s access to international markets and financial services, making it more difficult for Iranian companies to export their products to Kazakhstan. However, both countries have sought to overcome these challenges by exploring alternative trade routes and financial mechanisms to facilitate trade in polymer and petrochemical products.

Looking ahead, there are several opportunities for further expanding the export of polymer and petrochemical products from Iran to Kazakhstan. As Kazakhstan continues to develop its industrial sector and infrastructure, the demand for these products is expected to grow further. Additionally, both countries can explore opportunities for joint ventures and investment in the petrochemical industry, which can help strengthen their economic ties and create new avenues for trade cooperation.

In conclusion, the export of polymer and petrochemical products from Iran to Kazakhstan has been an important aspect of their economic relationship. Despite facing some challenges, both countries have continued to work towards expanding their trade cooperation in this sector. With the right strategies and investments, there is great potential for further growth and collaboration in the export of polymer and petrochemical products between Iran and Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan: A Key Market for Iran’s Export Products

Various products can be seen among Iran’s export products to Kazakhstan. This shows the attractiveness of this Asian country’s market. Kazakhstan is one of the Central Asian countries that has tried to play a greater role and contribution in the political and economic games of the region in recent years.

In the past few years, the authorities of Kazakhstan have also sought to boost the country’s tourism sector. Kazakhstan is one of the founding countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, in which some other countries such as Russia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan are also members. World Bank surveys show that Kyrgyzstan’s economy has improved recently and the per capita income of its citizens has jumped significantly.

On the other hand, the mentioned country is one of the countries on the shores of the Caspian Sea, and in this way, it has an easy sea connection with Iran. The improvement of the per capita income (PCI) of the citizens of Kyrgyzstan along with the easy geographical access of Iran shows that there is a valuable and important consumer market near the borders of our country.

Petrochemical, agricultural, and mineral products form the main structure of Kazakhstan’s economy, and it exports such products to the whole world. On the other hand, this country has various import needs, which are mostly in the field of industry and some areas of food and agriculture. Access to the Caspian Sea can create a special opportunity for Iranian businessmen to send Iran’s export products to Kazakhstan. In addition, it is possible to export to Kazakhstan by land.

About Our Company

Zero Polymer Export Management Company, as a creative and dynamic company, seeks to use new technologies in the polymer industry. To achieve its goal, the company offers a variety of chemicals, petrochemicals, and polymer materials. This includes additive masterbatches, compounds, and nano-additives. Additionally, the company has set up a proficient and professional consulting system.

Our company supports industrial owners and customers to produce top-quality final products using high-quality materials and specialized consultations. This company utilizes world-class knowledge and an expert research team, along with an advanced laboratory. It also collaborates with scientific, research, and industrial centers to update and produce products with modern technology. Furthermore, it offers technical-engineering and consulting services post-sale.

Zero Polymer Group was established to supply top-quality polymer raw materials across different industries in Iran. The company aims to become the leading trading company in the field of export. Recently, the polymer industry expanded by diversifying production and increasing capacities, aligning with petrochemical development. We anticipate broader grade diversity and increased supply within the petrochemical production cycle. This will benefit downstream industries.

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About Our Company

Company Mission and Vision

Company Services

Quality Control

Quality control means ensuring the supply and production of goods and services according to the standards set. For example, measuring or testing a product or commodity to determine whether it meets the desired technical specifications. Quality control is a set of operations such as measurements or tests that are performed on a product or product to determine whether the product meets the desired technical specifications or not. We complete high-quality laboratory and physical services in our laboratory to verify product characteristics to meet the requirements and fulfill national and international approved standards, the current regulations of the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, and customer requests.

Customs services

Our company, having an experienced and expert team in the field of customs services, performs all activities related to the export of products. Among the services that our company provides, we can mention the determination of customs rates, issuance of export certificates, examination of export documents, customs affairs and cargo delivery.

Also, our company, having strong international connections, is able to act in the best possible way in sending products to different countries and according to the customs rules and regulations of each country.

In general, by using the customs services of our company, the export of products is done in a simple and high-quality manner, and this increases the country’s income and its economic growth.

Export to Kazakhstan

With several years of experience in the commercial industry, our company excels in providing export services to its customers. We easily export to all the countries of the world and we provide the best business conditions to our customers in cooperation with reputable traders around the world.

Among the countries to which we export, we can mention China, India, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, etc. Having the necessary experience and expertise in the commercial industry, we are easily familiar with the export laws and regulations of each country, and this assures our customers that their exports are carried out legally and with respect to the relevant laws and regulations.

By striving to provide better services and improve the export process, our company, as one of the top trading companies in the industry, always serves its customers. If you are also looking for a reliable business partner, contact us and easily respond to all your export needs.

We seek to improve the quality of our export services and we always try to provide more added value to our customers by improving our processes. Relying on our experience and technical knowledge, you can easily access global markets and easily reach your export goals by trusting our services.

By choosing Zero Polymer Trading Company as your trading partner, you can benefit from the high quality and reasonable price of the polymer products of this company. Also, the company helps its customers in exports business by providing professional and quality services, including raw material supply, packaging, transportation and clearance.

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