Zero Polymer

Black HDPE Compound for Cable Jacketing

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Our top-quality product- Black HDPE compound (Code: ZP1110-02), is specifically designed for jacketing power cables and insulating optical fibers.

This resin possesses qualities that make it an ideal material for use as a cable jacketing substance. It has remarkable properties such as high hardness, toughness, tensile strength, and resistance to heat. Additionally, it displays good flexibility, exceptional resistance to environmental stress cracking, and desirable processing characteristics.

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Property Test Method Unit Value
MFI (2.16 kg,190 ˚c) ISO 1113-1 gr/10 min 0.45±0.05
Density ISO1183-1 gr/cm³ 0.955±0.003
Tensile Strength at Yield ISO 527 Mpa >22
Elongation at Break ISO 527 % ≥500
Carbon Black Content ISO 6964 % 2.25 ± 0.25
Environmental Stress Crack Resistance(ESCR) ASTM D-1693 hours >800
Carbon Black Dispersion ISO 18553 Grade 3≤
O.I.T (200 ˚c) ISO 11357-6 min 100≥
Volatile content EN 12099 mg/kg
Technical Name: Black HDPE compound for jacketing of power cables and insulation of optical fibers
Zero Polymer Code: ZP1110-02


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