Zero Polymer

High Density Polyethylene Grade 3840

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High density polyethylene (HDPE) powder 3840 can be used for rotational molding in the production of storage containers or water tanks, barrels, plastic kayaks, mobile shelters, boxes or crates, plastic baskets, plastic slides, and large plastic barriers for traffic control due to its environmental resistance and good resistance to cracking, UV rays, and impact. In the rotational molding process, specific amounts of plastic powder are poured into the mold. The mold is heated and rotated slowly so that the melted powder adheres to the mold wall. The mold is then removed from the furnace and cooled while still rotating to allow the plastic inside the mold, which has adhered to the wall and created a layer on its surface, to cool slowly until the product retains its shape and can be removed from the mold.

Zero Polymer Group can prepare everything required to produce high-quality products. Our team of experts is dedicated to ensuring that our clients receive the best products and services possible, and we are committed to meeting all of their needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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Polyethylene 3840 is a type of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that is commonly used in the production of pipes and fittings for the gas and water industries. This type of HDPE is known for its high strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and abrasion.

Polyethylene 3840 is a thermoplastic polymer that is made from ethylene monomer through a process called polymerization. This process involves the use of heat, pressure, and catalysts to join together individual ethylene molecules into long chains. The resulting polymer has a high molecular weight, which gives it its unique properties.

One of the key advantages of polyethylene 3840 is its excellent resistance to chemicals and abrasion. This makes it ideal for use in applications where it will be exposed to harsh environments or corrosive substances. Additionally, polyethylene 3840 has a high tensile strength, which makes it suitable for use in applications where it will be subjected to high stress or pressure.

Another advantage of polyethylene 3840 is its flexibility and ease of processing. It can be easily molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, which makes it ideal for use in complex pipe systems and fittings. Additionally, polyethylene 3840 can be welded together using specialized techniques, which allows for the creation of strong and durable joints.

In summary, polyethylene 3840 is a type of high-density polyethylene that is commonly used in the production of pipes and fittings for the gas and water industries. It is known for its high strength, durability, resistance to chemicals and abrasion, flexibility, and ease of processing. Its unique properties make it an ideal material for use in a wide range of applications where strength, durability, and resistance to harsh environments are required.

Polyethylene 3840 is produced through a process called polymerization. This process involves the use of heat, pressure, and catalysts to join together individual ethylene molecules into long chains. The process begins with the cracking of natural gas or petroleum to produce ethylene gas. The ethylene gas is then fed into a reactor vessel along with a catalyst and other additives. The mixture is heated and pressurized, causing the ethylene molecules to join together into long chains. The resulting polymer is then cooled and cut into pellets for use in various applications. The specific process used to produce polyethylene 3840 may vary depending on the manufacturer and the desired properties of the final product.

Polyethylene 3840 is a type of plastic that is widely used in various industries. It is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and environmental factors. The production process of polyethylene 3840 involves several steps, including the cracking of natural gas or petroleum, polymerization, and pelletization.

The first step in the production process of polyethylene 3840 is the cracking of natural gas or petroleum. This process involves the breaking down of hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules, including ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is a key building block for the production of polyethylene 3840 and other types of plastics.

The next step in the production process is polymerization. Polymerization is the process of joining together individual ethylene molecules into long chains. This process involves the use of heat, pressure, and catalysts. The ethylene gas is fed into a reactor vessel along with a catalyst and other additives. The mixture is then heated and pressurized, causing the ethylene molecules to join together into long chains.

The specific process used to produce polyethylene 3840 may vary depending on the manufacturer and the desired properties of the final product. However, some common additives used in the polymerization process include antioxidants, stabilizers, and processing aids. These additives help to improve the strength, durability, and other properties of the final product.

After polymerization, the resulting polymer is then cooled and cut into pellets for use in various applications. The pellets can be further processed into various shapes and forms, including sheets, tubes, and molded parts. Polyethylene 3840 is commonly used in applications such as packaging, piping, and automotive parts.

In conclusion, the production process of polyethylene 3840 involves several steps, including the cracking of natural gas or petroleum, polymerization, and pelletization. This process requires the use of heat, pressure, and catalysts to join together individual ethylene molecules into long chains. The resulting polymer is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and environmental factors, making it a popular choice in various industries.

Polyethylene 3840 is a highly versatile plastic that finds applications in a wide range of industries. Its excellent strength, durability, and chemical resistance make it a popular choice for packaging, piping, automotive parts, and many other applications.

One of the most common applications of polyethylene 3840 is in the packaging industry. The plastic’s excellent strength and durability make it ideal for use in packaging materials such as plastic bags, shrink wrap, and stretch film. Polyethylene 3840 is also used to make packaging materials for food and beverages, as it is non-toxic and does not affect the taste or quality of the product.

Polyethylene 3840 is also widely used in the construction industry. Its strength and durability make it an ideal material for piping systems, including water supply and drainage systems. The plastic’s resistance to chemicals and environmental factors also makes it suitable for use in chemical processing plants and other industrial applications.

In the automotive industry, polyethylene 3840 is used to make various parts such as fuel tanks, bumpers, and interior trim components. The plastic’s strength and durability make it ideal for use in these applications, as it can withstand the harsh conditions of automotive use.

Polyethylene 3840 is also used in the production of consumer goods such as toys, household appliances, and furniture. The plastic’s versatility allows it to be molded into various shapes and forms, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Finally, polyethylene 3840 finds applications in the medical industry. Its non-toxic nature makes it suitable for use in medical devices such as syringes, IV bags, and tubing.

In conclusion, polyethylene 3840 is a highly versatile plastic that finds applications in a wide range of industries. Its excellent strength, durability, and chemical resistance make it an ideal material for packaging, piping, automotive parts, consumer goods, and medical devices. As such, it is a vital component of modern manufacturing and plays a critical role in our daily lives.

Polyethylene 3840 is a type of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that is commonly used in the manufacturing of various products. HDPE is a thermoplastic polymer that is made from ethylene monomer and is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and UV radiation. Polyethylene 3840 is a specific grade of HDPE that has unique properties and characteristics that make it suitable for specific applications.

There are several types of polyethylene 3840 that are differentiated based on their molecular weight and density.

The most common types of polyethylene 3840 are:

  1. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) – This type of polyethylene 3840 has a low molecular weight and low density, which makes it flexible and lightweight. LDPE is commonly used in packaging applications such as plastic bags, shrink wrap, and bubble wrap.
  2. Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) – This type of polyethylene 3840 has a higher molecular weight than LDPE, which makes it stronger and more durable. LLDPE is commonly used in applications such as trash bags, agricultural films, and industrial liners.
  3. High-density polyethylene (HDPE) – This type of polyethylene 3840 has a high molecular weight and high density, which makes it strong, rigid, and resistant to impact and chemicals. HDPE is commonly used in applications such as pipes, bottles, and containers.
  4. Ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) – This type of polyethylene 3840 has an extremely high molecular weight, which makes it incredibly strong, abrasion-resistant, and self-lubricating. UHMWPE is commonly used in applications such as bearings, gears, and medical implants.

Each type of polyethylene 3840 has unique properties that make it suitable for specific applications. For example, LDPE is flexible and lightweight, making it ideal for packaging applications. LLDPE is stronger and more durable than LDPE, making it suitable for industrial applications. HDPE is rigid and resistant to impact and chemicals, making it ideal for pipes and containers. UHMWPE is incredibly strong and abrasion-resistant, making it suitable for high-performance applications.

Each type of polyethylene 3840 has unique properties and characteristics that make it suitable for specific applications. By understanding the different types of polyethylene 3840, manufacturers can select the best material for their specific needs and requirements.

Polyethylene 3840 is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) resin that is used in a variety of applications, including blow molding, injection molding, and film extrusion. HDPE resins are known for their high strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and moisture. In this paper, we will explore the countries that produce polyethylene 3840.

Polyethylene 3840 is produced by several major petrochemical companies around the world. These companies include ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, Lyondell Basell, and SABIC. The production of polyethylene 3840 requires the use of petroleum feed stocks and specialized equipment for polymerization and extrusion.

One of the largest producers of polyethylene 3840 is the United States. The country has a well-established petrochemical industry and is home to several major producers of HDPE resins. ExxonMobil, Dow Chemical, and Lyondell Basell are among the companies that produce polyethylene 3840 in the United States. The country’s abundant supply of natural gas and oil has made it an attractive location for petrochemical production.

Other countries that produce polyethylene 3840 include Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Iran. These countries have well-established petrochemical industries and are home to several major producers of HDPE resins.

In conclusion, polyethylene 3840 is produced by several major petrochemical companies around the world. The United States, Saudi Arabia, China and Iran are among the largest producers of this high-density polyethylene resin. Other countries that produce polyethylene 3840 include Germany, Japan, South Korea, and Iran. The production of polyethylene 3840 requires the use of petroleum feed stocks and specialized equipment for polymerization and extrusion.

Types of molding process:

Blow molding is a popular process for producing hollow plastic parts, such as bottles and containers. In this process, a molten tube of polyethylene 3840 is extruded and clamped between two mold halves. Compressed air is then blown into the tube, causing it to expand and conform to the shape of the mold cavity.

Injection molding is another common process used with polyethylene 3840. In this process, the resin is melted and injected into a mold cavity under high pressure. The mold is then cooled and opened, allowing the part to be ejected.

Film extrusion is a process used to produce thin, flexible sheets of polyethylene 3840. In this process, the resin is melted and extruded through a die, which shapes the material into a thin film. The film is then cooled and wound onto a roll.

Thermoforming is a process used to produce parts from flat sheets of polyethylene 3840. In this process, the sheet is heated until it becomes pliable, then formed over a mold using vacuum pressure or mechanical force.

Rotational molding is a process used to produce large, hollow parts, such as tanks and containers. In this process, a mold is filled with a measured amount of polyethylene 3840 powder. The mold is then heated and rotated, causing the powder to melt and coat the inside of the mold cavity. The mold is then cooled and opened, allowing the part to be removed.

In conclusion, there are several different types of molding processes that can be used with polyethylene 3840, including blow molding, injection molding, film extrusion, thermoforming, and rotational molding. Each process has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of process will depend on the specific application and requirements of the part being produced.

Rotational molding:

Rotational molding, also known as rotomolding, is a process used to produce large, hollow parts from thermoplastic materials such as polyethylene 3840. This process involves heating a mold that is filled with a measured amount of powdered resin, which is then rotated on multiple axes until the material has melted and coated the inside of the mold cavity. The mold is then cooled and opened, allowing the part to be removed.

The rotational molding process was first developed in the 1940s for producing hollow toys. Since then, it has evolved to become a popular method for producing a wide range of large, complex parts such as tanks, containers, and playground equipment. One of the advantages of rotational molding is that it can produce parts with uniform wall thickness and intricate shapes that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with other molding processes.

The rotational molding process starts with a mold that is typically made of aluminum or steel. The mold is designed to have one or more openings for filling and venting, as well as for attaching any necessary hardware or fittings. The mold is then loaded with a measured amount of powdered polyethylene 3840 resin.

The mold is then heated in an oven or furnace while it is rotated on multiple axes. The heat causes the resin to melt and coat the inside of the mold cavity, creating a uniform layer of material. The rotation helps to ensure that the material coats the entire surface of the mold, resulting in a part with consistent wall thickness.

Once the material has melted and coated the inside of the mold, it is cooled using air or water. The cooling process can take several minutes to several hours, depending on the size and complexity of the part. Once the part has cooled sufficiently, the mold is opened and the part is removed.

One of the advantages of rotational molding is that it can produce parts with complex shapes and features without the need for additional assembly or welding. This can result in parts that are stronger and more durable than those produced using other molding processes.

Additionally, rotational molding is a relatively low-pressure process, which means that it can be used with a wide range of materials, including those that are not suitable for high-pressure injection molding.

In conclusion, rotational molding is a versatile and effective method for producing large, hollow parts from thermoplastic materials such as polyethylene 3840. This process offers several advantages over other molding processes, including the ability to produce parts with complex shapes and features, and the ability to use a wide range of materials. While there are some limitations to the process, such as longer cycle times and higher tooling costs, rotational molding remains a popular choice for producing a wide range of industrial and consumer products.

First stage of rotational molding:

A hollow metal mold is filled with a predetermined and calculated amount of powder or liquid raw material, proportional to the weight of the sample. The size and amount of materials used depend on the surface area of the mold, the thickness of the piece, and the density of the plastic used. Another important advantage of rotational molding is the absence of waste in plastic materials, as all plastic used in making the product is consumed.

Second stage of rotational molding:

After the mold is closed and positioned correctly, it is rotated in two directions in a heated environment. This heating can be done by various methods such as displacement and electricity, infrared, flame, or oil.

It is important to note that the rotation speed of the mold in the rotational molding process is relatively low (usually up to 12 rotations per minute). Therefore, the process should not be confused with centrifugation, which is done at high speeds.

Although high-speed rotation of the mold in centrifugation may seem attractive at first because it increases production speed, it will create problems in creating products with complex shapes. In rotational molding, plastic is placed at the bottom of the mold and with the rotation of the heated mold, the entire surface of the mold is coated with the powder and lifts the melted plastic. By changing the speed of the perpendicular rotation axes, the thickness of the product can be controlled. Areas that require a higher thickness should be more regularly filled with powder pools.

Third stage of rotational molding for plastics:

In the third stage, the heated mold is separated from the heating elements or heating elements and the cooling cycle begins. The rotation and rotation of the mold continues in this stage. Cooling is usually done with high-speed air or sometimes with water spray to solidify and harden the sample. If too much water is used in the cooling process and this water is added too quickly to the cycle, it may cause damage, shrinkage, and product deformation.

When the material cools, it changes from a viscous and fluid state to a semi-solid state and at the end of the cooling stage, it becomes a hard solid. When the cooling is sufficient and completed, the mold can be opened.

Fourth stage of rotational molding for plastics:

The final product is removed from the cooled mold and the process is ready for producing a new product and the next cycle.


  • A seamless, hollow piece can be made in one piece.
  • The final product will necessarily be stress-free. (There is no waste stress in this process.)
  • Molds are relatively inexpensive.
  • Mold making time is relatively short.
  • There will be no waste material as all material is used in making the piece.
  • It is possible to make multi-layered parts.
  • Various types of parts can be produced simultaneously on one molding machine. (Multiple molds on one rotating device)
  • Inserting is relatively easy.
  • Various products can be produced in complex shapes and dimensions.
  • The wall thickness is uniform throughout all parts.

HDPE Production in Iran:

Iran has a growing petrochemical industry and is a major producer of polyethylene. The country reportedly has several petrochemical complexes that produce various types of polyethylene, including high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE).

One of the major petrochemical companies in Iran is the National Petrochemical Company (NPC), which oversees the production and distribution of petrochemical products in the country. NPC reportedly operates several petrochemical complexes, including the Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex, the Marun Petrochemical Complex, and the Mahshahr Petrochemical Complex, among others.

In addition to NPC, there are reportedly several other petrochemical companies in Iran that produce polyethylene and other petrochemical products. Some of these companies include the Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC), the Jam Petrochemical Company, and the Arya Sasol Polymer Company.

It is worth noting that the production and distribution of petrochemical products in Iran may be subject to various economic sanctions and political factors. As such, it is important to conduct further research and due diligence before engaging in business activities with any specific manufacturer or supplier of polyethylene 3840 in Iran.

Polyethylene 3840 is a type of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) that is commonly used in the production of pipes, fittings, and other industrial applications. HDPE is known for its strength, durability, and resistance to chemicals and environmental factors.

Iran has a growing petrochemical industry and is a major producer of polyethylene. The National Petrochemical Company (NPC) and other petrochemical companies in Iran reportedly produce various types of polyethylene, including HDPE. These companies may use advanced manufacturing processes and high-quality raw materials to ensure the quality of their products.

However, the production and distribution of petrochemical products in Iran may be subject to various economic sanctions and political factors. These factors could potentially impact the quality of polyethylene 3840 produced in Iran.

It is important for buyers and users of polyethylene 3840 to conduct further research and due diligence before engaging in business activities with any specific manufacturer or supplier in Iran. This may include reviewing product specifications, testing samples, and verifying compliance with international quality standards.

Overall, the quality of polyethylene 3840 in Iran may vary depending on various factors. It is important for buyers and users to take appropriate measures to ensure the quality and safety of the products they purchase and use.

Zero Polymer: A Reliable Supplier of High-Quality Polyethylene 3840

Zero Polymer is a leading trade company that specializes in the production and supply of high-quality polyethylene 3840. Our company is committed to providing our clients with top-notch products that meet their specific needs and requirements. We have built a reputation for excellence in the industry, and we continue to set the standard for quality and reliability.

Our Production Process

At Zero Polymer, we use advanced manufacturing processes and high-quality raw materials to produce our polyethylene 3840 products. Our team of experts carefully monitors every stage of the production process to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality and performance. We use cutting-edge technology and equipment to produce polyethylene 3840 that is strong, durable, and resistant to chemicals and environmental factors.

Our Products

We offer a wide range of polyethylene 3840 products to suit different applications and industries. Our products are available in various sizes, shapes, and colors, and we can also customize them to meet our clients’ specific needs. Some of our most popular products include:

– HDPE pipes and fittings

– HDPE sheets and films

– HDPE containers and tanks

– HDPE bags and packaging materials

– HDPE geo membranes and liners

Our Quality Control

At Zero Polymer, we take quality control very seriously. We have a dedicated team of experts who conduct rigorous testing and inspection on all our products to ensure that they meet international quality standards. We use state-of-the-art equipment and testing methods to detect any defects or inconsistencies in our products, and we take immediate corrective action when necessary.

Our Customer Service

At Zero Polymer, we believe in providing exceptional customer service. We work closely with our clients to understand their needs and requirements, and we provide them with personalized solutions that meet their specific needs. We have a team of friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives who are always available to answer any questions or concerns that our clients may have.

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of high-quality polyethylene 3840, look no further than Zero Polymer. We are committed to providing our clients with top-notch products and exceptional customer service. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, and let us help you find the perfect solution for your needs.

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